Walked from the U District to Capitol Hill, not a particularly long walk but still totaling over six miles for the day.
After considering and dismissing a repeat of the walk along the shore from downtown, I walked from Husky Stadium along Lake Washington to Seward Park and then up to Othello Station: 3½ hours, 10¾ miles.
Hiked maybe ⅗︎ of the way up Mt. Teneriffe this morning, before I decided I wasn’t in as good shape as I’d hoped. There’s a Metro bus that runs from Capitol Hill to the Mt. Teneriffe and Mt. Si trailheads on summer weekends.
Making it all the way up Teneriffe and Si on consecutive days wouldn’t be bad practice for the Alpine section of the E5, which I haven’t walked.
Walked to the farmers’ market, maybe 3½ miles. Meghan met me there.
Walked for about 12 miles today.