Blurt!Commonplace Book

“[T]hese hacks ultimately become a labor issue. It would not be so taxing to make a TikTok drink … if stores were well-staffed, if workers were paid a living wage, if corporations weren’t intent on busting unions, and if customers were patient and understanding when their desires just aren’t possible.”

posted Oct. 31, 2022, 8:00pm

“[T]he developers are testing it on Annie, Zach Adams' wife. After a failed attempt with an earlier version, the latest tutorial took Annie far enough to where she could ‘tunnel under a bog and drown her fortress.’ Presumably, that is good.”

posted Oct. 30, 2022, 8:00pm

“If we assume there’s a ring produced every orbit, the 17 present rings indicate about 130 years of ring production. Since they now extend out about a light-year, we can infer that they’re moving away from the binary stars at about 2,600 kilometers every second.”

posted Oct. 29, 2022, 8:00pm

“Before DART, Dimorphos’ orbit took 11 hours and 55 minutes; post-impact, it’s down to 11 hours and 23 minutes. … NASA estimates that the orbit is now ‘tens of meters’ closer to Didymos.”

posted Oct. 28, 2022, 8:00pm

“In this case, the outcome of the redesign

  1. reduced the front-end markup size by over half (from 48KB down to 23KB)
  2. dropped from 24 nested tables that controlled layout down to only 1 table that appropriately rendered financial market data
  3. dramatically improved accessibility of the site for users of assistive technology.”
posted Oct. 27, 2022, 8:00pm

“There are some who take organic chemistry to get into a Ph.D. program or prepare for a career in chemistry, but they’re relatively rare. Most of the students are pre-med, and for a lot of them, organic chemistry is a dream-shattering experience.”

It seems to me like the professor at the center of this story was done a grave disservice by NYU, set up to fail (though surely not intentionally on anybody’s part) and then abandoned.

posted Oct. 26, 2022, 8:00pm

“Looking back, what I had actually done is uncover evidence of the video’s supposed legacy, rather than evidence of the inciting incident. I assumed that because multiple people independently told me the same thing, that thing was true.”

posted Oct. 25, 2022, 8:00pm

“This shift away needing to add ‘more emoji’ to creating more experiences that leverage the existing set is an important evolution for the future of emoji relevancy. Unicode can’t encode every concept in the world, every ingredient in the planet, every muscle contortion of your face.”

posted Oct. 24, 2022, 8:00pm

“Both stars of the video had been telling opposite sides of the same funny anecdote for more than 25 years, unaware of who to thank for their respective brushes with fame.”

posted Oct. 23, 2022, 8:00pm

“[A] multilingual person’s dominant language can sometimes take a bigger hit in certain scenarios. For example, in that colour naming task described earlier, it can take longer for a participant to recall a word in their first language when switching from their second, compared to the other way around.”

posted Oct. 22, 2022, 8:00pm

“But the syphilis story stuck. Even as newspapers trumpeted particulars of Graham’s passing (and there were many), her cause of death, like so many details about women in her line of work, never seemed to be worth investigating.”

posted Oct. 21, 2022, 8:00pm

GISAID, a global database of influenza virus genetic sequences that typically gets thousands of flu sequences each year, has not received a single B/Yamagata sequence with specimen collection data after March 2020.”

posted Oct. 20, 2022, 8:00pm

“The original silphion was said to have appeared suddenly, after a great downpour. Miski observed that, when rains came to Cappadocia in April, Ferula drudeana would spring from the ground, growing up to six feet in just over a month.”

posted Oct. 19, 2022, 8:00pm

“Even at their absolute best, targeted ads are seen by viewers as creepy. People do not want irrelevant ads, but they do not want to feel followed or harassed either. Targeted advertising enables the latter.”

posted Oct. 18, 2022, 8:00pm

“But individuals also have real agency, and our actions determine the actual consequences of these Great Forces as they reshape our world. We have to understand both, and study both, and act on the world now remembering that both are real.”

posted Oct. 17, 2022, 8:00pm