
Now starting Ritz & Escoffier: The Hotelier, the Chef & the Rise of the Leisure Class by Luke Barr.

Jul. 8, 2019, 6:56am (edited)

Tonight’s kitchen victory: deviled chicken thighs. Followed by this afternoon’s partial victory: the blueberry/raspberry/tayberry pie didn’t hold together very well (but still super-tasty).

Jul. 7, 2019, 7:38pm

The Raven Tower was a fascinating little puzzle-box of betrayal, revenge, and metaphysics. Highly recommended.

Jul. 7, 2019, 11:42am

Went to Zulu’s with the dude yesterday to play Magic.

Jul. 6, 2019, 9:44am

Tonight’s kitchen victory: spaghetti alla puttanesca.

Jul. 5, 2019, 12:12am

Watched fireworks with the family at Mom’s.

Jul. 4, 2019, 11:55pm

Tonight’s kitchen victory: stracciatella alla Romana (Roman egg drop soup).

Jul. 3, 2019, 11:41pm

Okay. Now starting The Raven Tower by Ann Leckie.

Jul. 2, 2019, 10:43pm (edited)

What to read next? Recent releases are (in rough order of how long I think they’ll take to read)

Or, something like Why Buddhism is True from the long list.

Jul. 2, 2019, 7:26am (edited)

Finished reading The Collector by Jack Nisbet, a biography of David Douglas, the naturalist of Douglas-fir fame. Almost more interesting as a window on life as a European in the early-19th-century Pacific Northwest.

Jul. 1, 2019, 10:33pm (edited)

Beer with Steve and Fender at Hellbent Brewing Company.

Jul. 1, 2019, 8:18pm (edited)

Sat in on the dude’s D&D game yesterday.

Jul. 1, 2019, 6:41am

Today’s kitchen victory: helped the kids make chocolate ice cream.

Jun. 30, 2019, 3:45pm

It’s apparently Negroni week (it’s a hundred years old this month?), so I’m having one: equal parts gin, sweet vermouth, and Campari, definitely not to everybody’s taste.

Jun. 29, 2019, 10:06pm (edited)

Fixed the RSS feed, and made the copyright dynamic.

Jun. 29, 2019, 8:21pm (edited)