Today’s kitchen victory: croques madames. Mom came over.
Today’s kitchen victory: croques madames. Mom came over.
Lunch with Meghan and Amy at Café Turko.
I’ve now gotten hit with a second cold bad enough to keep me home from work, which is basically unprecedented.
This morning’s kitchen victory: crêpes de blé noir, with jambon, gruyere, and eggs.
Yesterday’s kitchen victory: bouillabaisse Marseillaise. Mom came over.
The kids and I bussed to and from sushi.
Each Christmas season, your score is the number of days after Thanksgiving before you get earwormed by “•••••••••••••••••••••••” by ••••••••••••••; if you make it through Christmas, you score 50. My score this year is 5.
Got tickets for Star Wars. The Majestic Bay Theatre has reserved seating now!
Greg came over this afternoon and taught the kids how to paint minis. The Dude painted a basilisk; the Bambina painted a stag.
Thanksgiving dinner at Greg and Jocelyn’s, with family and friends. It felt like there were only three kids there, not four.
Not much to report. Played a little Wingspan; watched The Mandalorian again and also episode 3 with the dude (he loved it); worked on making gelato di riso tonight.
Watched episodes 1 and 2 of The Mandalorian with Meghan. Super-loved them.
Finally got the cold; exhausted.
Went to GeekGirlCon with the dude.
Current earworm: “What I Got” by Sublime.