
Walked from the U District to Capitol Hill, not a particularly long walk but still totaling over six miles for the day.

Dec. 10, 2022, 7:30pm

Today’s kitchen victory: butter chicken and homemade naan (or as close as I could get to it without a tandoor), and crème brûlée, all per the dude’s request.

Dec. 9, 2022, 8:45pm

Double-vaccination update: Soon after getting home from beers with Jon, I started feeling achy, then ill, then started shaking uncontrollably. I’ve slept for most of the past 20 hours now, and am starting to feel better again.

Dec. 6, 2022, 5:46pm

This is more social than I’ve been in literally years. Hopefully there’s no covid in my immediate future.

Dec. 5, 2022, 10:29pm

Great chat with Jon over beer, once we found a pub that wasn’t closed for one reason or another.

Dec. 5, 2022, 10:25pm

Went to get a flu shot (finally!) today, and ended up also getting a shingles shot, so expect either extreme lassitude or mediocre superpowers tomorrow.

Dec. 5, 2022, 6:28pm

Saw Jon and Sarah and their kids, visiting from sunny New Zealand.

Dec. 4, 2022, 8:12pm

It snowed briefly this morning, and more seriously now.

Dec. 2, 2022, 11:33pm

Went out with Meghan to celebrate Nathan’s birthday, and caught up with many friends we hadn’t seen in years, and met lovely new people, and all around had a great time.

Dec. 2, 2022, 11:30pm

Current earworm: “Moanin’” by Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers.

Dec. 1, 2022, 11:42am

Tonight’s kitchen victory: sautéed brussels sprouts tops from Amy.

Nov. 30, 2022, 6:50pm

Lost power at maybe 11:30pm; it came back around 4am.

Nov. 30, 2022, 8:12am

Follow-up: We’ve actually gotten a couple inches of snow since dinner.

Nov. 29, 2022, 10:41pm

It’s been snowing basically all day, but not much accumulation.

Nov. 29, 2022, 9:20pm

Had our fifth RPG session last night: I think we really hit our stride, or at least I did. Good game.

Nov. 28, 2022, 7:09am (edited)