We had snow showers off and on all yesterday afternoon, but no accumulation, and we seem to be past the freezing now.
We had snow showers off and on all yesterday afternoon, but no accumulation, and we seem to be past the freezing now.
Finished reading Menewood by Nicola Griffith, which picks up where Hild left off. This was another great book, with through-lines of trauma, grief, and becoming true to oneself, and perhaps a secondary theme of disability. Like Hild, I will reread this at some point; I hope she’s able to write the next one in less than ten years.
The bambina is now taller than Meghan.
It has gotten up to (barely) above freezing for the first time since Thursday afternoon.
The dude finally got his flu shot today.
Got down to 12.9° last night.
It got down to 16.9°F at 10:30am, and is now starting to creep back up.
It’s been lightly snowing off and on all day, and we’ve been promised several days of bitter cold (by Seattle standards).
Started playing Baldur’s Gate 3.
The bambina and I went on a bus adventure today: She showed me around Japantown and Kinokuniya, and then we went to the central library.
Went to a very Catholic funeral for Meghan’s aunt. The family dinner afterwards was really nice.
Made reservations for alumni weekend.
Uninstalled Java from my computer (an inheritance from my previous one, if not the one before that), and upgraded the OS to Fresno or whatever the latest release is (I’ve honestly lost track).
Had Mom over last night for pizza.
The ants attempted another invasion of the kitchen over the past few days, but we seem to have beaten them back again.