Finished reading Highly Irregular: Why Tough, Through, and Dough Don’t Rhyme by Arika Okrent. Full of charming, bite-sized little pieces about why English is the way it is. I already knew much of it, but there was plenty I didn’t know, and a couple times it ventured deeper into linguistics than my dilettante self could quite follow. You know whether or not you would enjoy the book from the title.
Finished reading Polostan by Neal Stephenson. Even though I was warned that it was a surprisingly-normal-sized book, I was surprised by its very normal size. That turns out to be a bit deceptive though: The story is very clearly unfinished at the end of the book (though many parts are wrapped up nicely). Two more of these and it’ll feel like a more typical Stephenson opus.
The annual reading report.
Finished reading (or rereading?) The Player of Games by Iain M. Banks, one of his earlier Culture novels. I think I might have read this about 25 years ago, but I have even less memory of it than I would have expected, recalling story beats more than scenes or even plot points. Anyway, I quite enjoyed it.
Finished reading The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories and “The Wood at Midwinter”, short fiction by Susanna Clarke. All of the stories fit right into the Strange & Norrell setting. The stories in the former are all charming and have the novel’s characteristic humor. The latter is unsettling in the same way as Piranesi.