Went to the Johnstons’ last night for pizza and games. (Dan gave us a ride there and back because he’s a good snow driver and they have a better snow car.)
Wednesday, December 21, 2022, 6:59:33pm PST
Had brunch at Greg and Jocelyn’s, including Mom and Marco.
Had beers and burritos with Adam last night: a great evening.
Went over to Nathan’s and played Pax Pamir with him and his friends Bryan and Dina.
Celebrated Gamesmas at Tessa and Breck’s. Played Magic , Tsuro , and Five-Minute Dungeon .
Not much to report. Played a little Wingspan ; watched The Mandalorian again and also episode 3 with the dude (he loved it); worked on making gelato di riso tonight.