“[W]hile the rest of the world’s smart phone adoption began with the iPhone,
Japan was years ahead — but alone. The result was that Japan’s smart phone
culture evolved separately from the rest of the world. There was less emphasis
on large pictures and text was more acceptable since it had been the norm since
the early days.”
“Twitter encourages a very extractive attitude from everyone it touches. The
people re-publishing my Mastodon posts on Twitter didn’t think to ask whether I
was ok with them doing that. The librarians wondering loudly about how this
‘new’ social media environment could be systematically archived didn’t ask
anyone whether they want their fediverse posts to be captured and stored by
government institutions.”
“Looking back, what I had actually done is uncover evidence of the video’s
supposed legacy, rather than evidence of the inciting incident. I assumed that
because multiple people independently told me the same thing, that thing was
“This shift away needing to add ‘more emoji’ to creating more experiences that
leverage the existing set is an important evolution for the future of emoji
relevancy. Unicode can’t encode every concept in the world, every ingredient in
the planet, every muscle contortion of your face.”
“Worse, the ‘dog-pushers’ — the lowest-level scammers who initiate conversations
with victims — are often workers from around the region, tricked into indentured
servitude, held captive in dormitories and offices, and beaten by the managers
and bosses.”
“If you can’t get in touch with Bezos through your personal networks, you
shouldn’t worry about the 10,000-Year Clock. They wouldn’t say it so bluntly,
but this art installation isn’t for you. You have more pressing concerns in the
here and now.”
“[L]iberal democracy cannot function without a shared understanding of reality.
As long as the zone is flooded with shit, that shared understanding is